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Diocese of Joliet Announces Name of New Parish and School in Joliet

Through its Targeted Restructuring process, the Diocese of Joliet is pleased to announce the name of the new parish in the Joliet Deanery Group 2: Queen of Apostles / Reina de los Apóstoles. The five parishes in Group 2 are St. Paul the Apostle, St. Patrick, St. Jude, Sacred Heart, and St. Joseph (Rockdale). All five parishes will be canonically extinguished effective June 30, 2024.

Fr. Michael Lane

Queen of Apostles Parish will be canonically established on July 1. There will be two worship sites at St. Paul the Apostle Church and St. Patrick Church. The two worship sites will retain their consecrated names, which means that St. Paul Church and St. Patrick Church will always be known by these names. St. Jude Church and Sacred Heart Church will close, and St. Joseph will become a mission of Queen of Apostles. St. Joseph Church will also retain its consecrated name. Father Michael Lane, current pastor of St. Jude Parish, together with Father J. Rodolphe Arty, C.S.C., current pastor of St. Patrick, will be entrusted with the pastoral care of Queen of Apostles Parish, in solidum, with Father Michael Lane being the moderator.

After parishioners from the five parishes selected and voted on the new name in March, it was submitted to the Targeted Restructuring Committee this week, who after reflection and deliberation, unanimously approved the name and recommended it to the bishop. Bishop Ronald Hicks accepted the committee’s recommendation. His decision on this new parish name will be announced during Mass celebrations this weekend.

The newly formed Catholic school—that resulted from the targeted restructuring closings of the current St. Jude and St. Paul the Apostle parishes and schools, which will be located on the current St. Paul campus—will likewise bear the name of Queen of Apostles School. The newly named principal of Queen of Apostles School is Robert Tyrell, who is the current principal of St. Jude Catholic School.

“The new parish and school name of Queen of Apostles marks a new beginning for the Catholic community in this part of Joliet,” said Bishop Ronald Hicks. “This devotion to Our Lady centers around her role as the mother of the Church. Her continued intercession will help the faithful in the new parish and school embrace our vision to catechize, evangelize, and put our faith into action.”

St. Paul Campus​​​​​